All for Him Podcast

Devotional: LORD of All

Episode Summary

Jesus is LORD of all. There is none greater, and there is none grander. Ty talks about the past and the future of All for Him, and then ends with a devotional on Acts 10:36.

Episode Notes

“You know the message God sent to the people of Israel, announcing the good news of peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all.” — Acts 10:36

Read Acts 10:36 on the YouVersion Bible App.

If you ever need anything, I am here for you. Reach out to me.

God is good, always. Never forget that. — Much love, Ty.

Episode Transcription

For today's devotional, we find ourselves in the Book of Acts, chapter 10, verse 36.

“You know the message God sent to the people of Israel, announcing the good news of peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all.” — Acts 10:36

As you read those words, I can probably guess what you are thinking. How do I know? Because I have found myself thinking the same thing many time before.

That is good and all, Jesus is Lord of all. But so many times before, even when I know without a doubt that it is true, that statement quickly reveals where you trust God the least. For Him to be Lord of all, that means Lord of all not Lord of some. His sovereignty has no limits. He reigns over all things.

You can probably relate, but so many times in my life before have I believed that He is Lord of all, just not my grades. Or Lord of all, just not my relationships. And I promise you, that list goes on for quite some time. I have filled journals, podcasts, vlogs, SD cards, notes, and emails where I have said the same thing.

But I have good news, Jesus is Lord of all. the Bible, God's living and breathing Word makes the point clear: there is nothing He is not sovereign over. He is Lord of all.

In case it helps, let's start naming...

As you go throughout your day, remember that Jesus is Lord of all things. Rejoice, and be glad. I hope you have a great day.