All for Him Podcast

Devotional: He is Our Very Great Reward

Episode Summary

To quote Charles Spurgeon, "I do not think that any human mind can ever grasp the fullness of meaning of these four words, ‘I am thy reward...’ Let us exult in him, and let us not be pining after any other joy." Ty does a devotional over Genesis 15:1.

Episode Notes

‘After this, the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision: “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.”’ — Genesis 15:1

Read Genesis 15:1 on the YouVersion Bible App.

Read Abraham’s Great Reward by Charles Spurgeon.

Listen to The Reward of Your Faith by David Platt on Radical.

If you ever need anything, I am here for you. Reach out to me.

God is good, always. Never forget that. — Much love, Ty.

Episode Transcription

When I jumped into God’s Word, the very first verse hit home. For further context, I would recommend you pause and read over Genesis 14. It isn't too long, only 24 verses, and then jump back here.

In the book of Genesis, chapter 15, verse 1, this is what God's Word says:

‘After this, the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision: “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.”’ — Genesis 15:1

He tells Abram to not be afraid. To not fear anything, besides God Himself. Do. not. fear. The truth is, Abram possible had a lot to fear. After he had just defeated a large army of multiple kings allied together. The risk of an attack against him for his actions was possible. He had a reason to fear.

At the same time that the LORD commands Abram to not fear, he tells him this saying that He is his shield. He doesn't just tell him not to fear. He says "don't fear" because I am your shield. The LORD most High, the one that is totally sovereign, totally good, the One that defeated death, hell, sin, and the grave says "don't fear because I am your shield."

Lastly God says that He is our very great reward. To be in a relationship with Him, to know Him and be known by Him, that is our reward. Those words have echoed throughout my day all day. He is our reward.

To quote Charles Spurgeon, “I do not think that any human mind can ever grasp the fullness of meaning of these four words, ‘I am thy reward.’ God himself the reward of his faithful people... If God be our reward, let us take care that we do really enjoy him. Let us exult in him, and let us not be pining after any other joy.”

I want you to take just 30 seconds and reflect on His Words. I promise, it is worth it. God commands "Do not fear, I am your shield and your very great reward."

Because these words are so good and encompassing, I did a lot of studying on just these few words. If you like to read, I am going to link to one of Charles Spurgeon's sermons titled "Abraham’s Great Reward" for another resource. If you don't like reading, I am going to link to an podcast episode titled "The Reward of Your Faith" by David Platt on Radical.

Carry these words with you. No matter what you are facing... Do not be afraid. His is your shield. He is your very great reward. Have a great day.